

Complaints Policy

Charging and Remissions

TET Complaints Policy APPROVED MAY 2023.pdf
TET charging-and-remissions-policy Sept 2024 APPROVED.pdf

Parent Conduct

Trust Parent Conduct Policy APPROVED FEB 2023.pdf


Accounting Policy

Reserves & Investment Policy

TET Accounting Policy Feb 2022.pdf
TET Reserves and Investment Policy 2023-2024 Approved.pdf

Financial Regulations

Anti-Fraud & Corruption

Financial Regulations 2024_ 2025 APPROVED Oct 2024.pdf
Thedwastre Anti Fraud & Corruption Policy Feb 2022.pdf

Gifts and Hospitality

Thedwastre Gifts & Hospitality Policy Feb 2022.pdf

Staff Policies

Staff Health and Wellbeing

Appraisal Policy

Staff Absence & Attendance Policy

Grievance Policy

Allegations against Staff

Thedwastre Staff Health and Wellbeing Policy Feb 2022.pdf
Thedwastre Appraisal Policy APPROVED Feb 2023.pdf
Thedwastre Staff Absence and Attendance Policy APPROVED Feb 2023.pdf
Trust Grievance Policy APPROVED Feb 2023.pdf
TET Allegations against staff Policy May 2021.pdf

Capability Policy

Whistle Blowing Policy

Code of Conduct

Disciplinary Policy

Use of Personal Devices

Thedwastre Capability Policy Sept 2024 APPROVED.pdf
TET Whistle Blowing Policy APPROVED May 2024.pdf
Thedwastre Code of Conduct APPROVED Sept 2023.pdf
Trust Disciplinary Policy APPROVED Feb 2023.pdf
TET Use of Personal Devices reviewed Feb 21.pdf

Pay Policy

Use of Personal Devices

Restructuring  & Redundancy

Probationary Policy

Harassment & Bullying

Thedwastre Pay Policy Sept 2023 APPROVED.pdf
TET Use of Personal Devices reviewed Feb 21.pdf
TET Policy on Restructuring and Redundancies Jan 2022.pdf
Thedwastre Probation Policy March 2024 Approved.pdf
TET Harassment and Bullying Policy APPROVED Feb 2023.pdf


Safer Recruitment

Online Safety Policy

Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy

TET Safer Recruitment Policy Sept 2024 APPROVED.pdf
Thedwastre Online Safety Policy APPROVED July 2021.pdf
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2024.pdf

Curriculum & Behaviour

Curriculum Principles

Behaviour Principles

Thedwastre Curriculum Principles Approved March 2022.pdf
Thedwastre Behaviour Principles Approved March 2022.pdf

Exclusions Policy

SEND Policy

Thedwastre Exclusions Policy APPROVED March 2023.pdf
Thedwastre SEND policy APPROVED May 2023.pdf


Local Governing Body Terms of Reference

Governor Visit Policy

Local Governing Body Terms of Reference 2022 Template.pdf
TET Governor Visits Policy approved May 2023.pdf

Standards Committee Terms of Reference

Finance, Audit & Risk Committee Terms of Reference

Standards Committee ToR Oct 2023.pdf
Finance, Audit & Risk Committee Terms of Reference Nov 2021.pdf

Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Lone Working

TET Health and Safety Policy APPROVED JULY 2024.pdf
Thedwastre Lone Worker Policy APPROVED March 2023.pdf

Stress and Wellbeing

First Aid Policy

Academy Stress Toolkit June 2019.docx
TET First Aid APPROVED July 2023.pdf