Key Information

Scheme of Delegation

Trust Board Terms and Conditions

Local Governing Body Terms of Reference

Confidentiality Agreement

Thedwastre Scheme of Delegation APPROVED MAY 2024.pdf
B. Board Terms of Reference v0.2.docx
Local Governing Body Terms of Reference APPROVED 4 NOV 2021.pdf
Confidentiality Agreement 2018.docx

Great Barton Funding Agreement

Thurston Funding Agreement

Woolpit Funding Agreement

Rattlesden Funding Agreement

I.i Great Barton SFA.pdf
I.iii Thurston SFA.pdf
I.iv Woolpit SFA.pdf
I.ii Rattlesden SFA.pdf

Memorandum of Association

Articles of Association

Master Funding Agreement

Memorandum of Association.pdf
G. Articles of Association.doc
H. Master Funding Agreement.pdf

Trades Union Facilities time

The Trust does not currently have any Trade Union officials employed and therefore zero hours were taken to undertake union duties.