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Our story

Formed in 2016, Thedwastre Education Trust (TET) is a small mixed MAT (C of E and community schools) of four small primary schools in Mid Suffolk.  The Trust’s core mission is to achieve excellence for our pupils, staff and the communities they serve.  We aim to provide all pupils with a broad and balanced education which enables them to reach their full potential.  In addition to striving for excellence, our core values are always being inclusive, community focused and collaborative.  All schools within the Trust are able to build on their individuality through our supportive approach.

Trust Values

Our values are important to us and shape all of our work.


We are constantly striving for continuous school improvement in all our schools and the evidence of recent years has shown significant improvement in outcomes across the Trust.  Whilst our schools are at different stages of development, all aspire to be the best they can be.  This is supported by our senior team and through our partnership with the LARK Teaching Schools Alliance.


All our schools are inclusive of children from a wide range of backgrounds and we have a good track record of supporting children with special educational needs or other needs such as social and emotional.  We want all children to achieve their full potential and our schools invest heavily in making this happen.  For instance, we now have two specialist behaviour support staff and a Family Worker at Woolpit Primary Academy to ensure that the right level of support is given to pupils, staff and families to ensure the children can achieve their potential.


All Thedwastre schools have high aspirations for all children and we will do what ever we can to ensure pupils achieve their potential, whether this be academically or socially, as well as through the development of individual talents.


As a Trust, collaboration is key to our success.  Our schools work very closely together to support one another with curriculum development, subject leadership development and sharing best practice through CPD sessions and joint moderation.  As a member of Thedwastre Education Trust, school leaders are fully supported in leading their school, with support, advice and encouragement from our CEO amongst others.  Our Headteachers meet regularly as a group and with the CEO to discuss school improvement, how resources are used to best meet the needs of pupils and the communities we serve, and solve issues as a supportive group of professionals.  As a small MAT, headteachers are fully involved in the development of Trust strategy and are welcome to attend Board meetings/ sub-committees, which means there is a direct relationship with Directors.

The Trust has introduced standardised assessment and data capture in all schools and many key policies are Trust wide.  Governance is well organised with improving communication between local governing bodies and the Board and its sub-committees.  More recently the Trust has introduced collective purchasing and common central support systems including finance, HR and premises management.

Our successes

Thedwastre Education Trust has had many successes over recent years.  Some highlights include:

Contribution to central services

Like many other Trusts, each school within Thedwastre currently contributes 5% of GAG funding annually.  This contribution pays for the following:

School Improvement Support

Other leadership support

Talk to us

If after reading our pages, you feel that the Thedwastre vision and values align with your aspirations and those of your school please get in touch with our CEO, Phil Mackay, by e-mail at or Chair, Gary McDonald at

If you are:

Please get in touch as we would be delighted to have informal exploratory conversations with you to consider how working together could bring mutual benefits and further opportunities to maximise our impact on the pupils in our schools.

Thedwastre Education Trust wishes to become known for excellence in education and through careful, considered and timely growth we believe we can achieve this.  We have no aspiration to be the biggest, but we do aspire to be amongst the best.

Becoming a Teacher

TET supports the training of new teachers to become qualified members of the teaching profession.  We are keen to support trainee and newly qualified teachers start their career with one of our schools.  Please note that some of the arrangements for Initial Teacher Training changed in September 2021.  Information about becoming a teacher is available from  

Work for us

We are committed to employing the best people to impact on our schools.  All our vacancies are available here

Become a Trustee

We would be delighted to hear from candidates interested in becoming either a Trustee or a member of a Local Governing Body.  If you are interested in either opportunity please contact  to arrange an informal chat.